August 2023 Tarotscope | Tarot Reading on Zodiac and Astrological Signs


August awaits - Let the adventure begin! 🏞️

As we bid farewell to July, the vibrant Leoine energy of August invites us to step into our power🦋.  As the Sun dances its way through the exuberant Leo and into the meticulous Virgo , the universe is offering lessons in being bold, followed by a season of introspection.

Leo energy encourages us to tap into our creativity, passion, and joy. It's a time to express ourselves boldly and embrace our inner lions! Celebrate life and embrace what makes us uniquely 'us,' and shine that into the world .

Virgo  ushers in a period where precision, health, and service become the focus. It's about nurturing ourselves and others through caring actions and thoughtful understanding 🤲. Details matter near the end of the month!

I've put together a new YouTube video highlighting personalized Tarot readings for each astrological sign! 

If you want an even more accurate reading, listen to the message associated with your astrological Moon Sign and Rising Sign.

Be sure to subscribe to my YouTube Tarot Channel for more Tarot content. Like, comment, share and subscribe! It really helps the channel grow.

As always, I've got some updates waiting at the end of this email on! . I wish you all a very happy August!

Here's to an adventurous August!
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Daily Tarot Wisdom
Don't miss out on your daily dose of Tarot guidance, now available on TikTok @elliotoracle! As always, find these daily gems at 8:00 AM EST on Instagram, YouTube, and 🧭

Tarot in Love Readings:
Friday through Tuesday at 5:00 PM EST, I'll be releasing new videos that delve into each Tarot card through the lens of love and relationships. You can catch these on, and my new TikTok @elliotoracle.

Weekly Oracle Reveal:
It's time to pick your animal card! Join me on Instagram or YouTube every Wednesday at 5:00 PM EST to choose your card, and then return on or after Thursday at 5:00 PM EST to discover its meaning in the Oracle Reveal video. 🦉
Search Card Meanings:
Looking for a specific card meaning? Head over to, where you can now easily search and browse card meanings by each card name.
Signed Books:
When you grab a copy directly from my website, you'll receive a personally signed author's edition of the book! 🖋️

And as a special gift, I'll draw a Tarot card just for you and include a heartfelt message of wisdom to help you connect with the cards and deepen your understanding.
Fearless Tarot:
Say goodbye to your fear of negative cards with my beginner-friendly guide to the Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot. In "Fearless Tarot," I'll teach you how to transcend your fears and embrace the light, no matter which card you pull. This empowering guide will provide you with everything you need to read Tarot without fear.

Tarot in Love:
Looking for some extra guidance in matters of the heart? I'm thrilled to share my new book, "Tarot in Love: Consulting the Cards in Matters of the Heart," which is now available for purchase on


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Book a Tarot Reading

Allow me to guide you on a journey through your past, present, and potential future with my customized Celtic Cross spread.  We'll explore the significant themes and influences shaping your life, providing you with practical insights to help you make informed decisions and navigate your path with confidence. 🗺️

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- 0:00 Introduction

- 0:53 Aries  ♈️

- 4:54 Taurus  ♉️

- 7:55 Gemini  ♊️

- 10:35 Cancer  ♋️

- 13:14 Leo  ♌️

- 16:06 Virgo  ♍️

- 19:29 Libra  ♎️

- 22:58 Scorpio  ♏️

- 25:35 Sagittarius  ♐️

- 28:13 Capricorn  ♑️

- 31:51 Aquarius  ♒️

- 34:29 Pisces  ♓️

- 37:14 Conclusion


Weekly Oracle Reveal 🔮✨| Tarot Reading for Aug 3 to Aug 9 | Elliot Oracle


Nine of Swords in Love | Daily Tarot Card Meanings for Relationships