Nine of Swords in Love | Daily Tarot Card Meanings for Relationships

"Facing Inner Demons, Seeking Healing in Love."

The Nine of Swords is often referred to as the "nightmare" card, reflecting fears, anxieties, and unresolved issues. It signifies mental torment and distress, which can be projected into our relationships and love life. It highlights the need to confront and deal with inner demons and past wounds so that they don't hinder our ability to connect with others. Both in its upright and reversed positions, the Nine of Swords urges us to face our fears, seek support if necessary, and move towards healing and resolution.


0:00 - Introduction

0:27 - Upright Interpretation

1:45 - Reversed Interpretation

3:06 - Conclusion

Nine of Swords in Love (Upright) in a Love Reading

New Relationship

The Nine of Swords can signify a relationship partner with an unresolved past. They may be experiencing the aftereffects of a major setback or disappointment. This person may not be ready to rush into a new phase. This card can also symbolize a new love interest who struggles with mental health issues. It's important to approach this relationship with empathy and understanding, recognizing the emotional baggage that may come with it. Patience and compassion will be key.

Long Term Partnership

The Nine of Swords can represent unresolved grief or sadness in a relationship. However, the grief in question does not always stem from a relationship issue. Sometimes it originates from a major disappointment, such as failing to achieve a goal. This card encourages open communication instead of isolating from one another. Facing the issues directly and working through them together can foster healing and strengthen the bond between partners.

Seeking Romance

If you are single, you may not feel emotionally ready to move beyond a past relationship. Allow yourself to come to terms with your loss. Tears can be immensely cleansing. Feeling your authentic feelings will loosen their hold on your heart. Take your time. Resolving the past will set you up for future success. Recognizing and honoring your emotional state is the first step towards moving forward and opening yourself to new opportunities in love.

Nine of Swords in Love (Reversed) in a Love Reading

New Relationship

The person you are inquiring about has made a dramatic life change and is still on a shaky road toward recovery. While their life is improving, they’re also plagued by uncertainty. This card can also signify excessive fear of getting hurt, which may be clouding your perspective. Do not allow your mind to be overthrown by worst case scenarios. Wait and see. Being supportive and giving the relationship time to grow will help ease fears and uncertainties.

Long Term Partnership

The Nine of Swords reversed can represent a relationship partner who is slowly crawling out of depression. They may still need time to recover their motivation, but they are on the mend. This card can also signify someone who is still processing a personal loss. Continue to provide support and understanding as your partner heals. This shared journey can deepen the connection between you.

Seeking Romance

You’ve decided to move on from a situation that has caused you an abundance of grief. Resist the urge to go back to the source of your unhappiness. The closure you seek will not come from ruminating on the past. Leave the nightmares of the past behind. It’s time to start over. Embrace your personal growth and newfound wisdom as you open yourself to new relationships, keeping in mind the lessons you've learned.

Looking to learn more? Discover the Nine of Swords Reversed and Nine of Swords Upright in a general tarot reading.

Visit Elliot Oracle for your daily dose of tarot wisdom. Feel free to browse my other posts for more insights into tarot meanings, or book a one-one-one tarot reading. Until next time, let the magic of the tarot guide you on your journey of self-discovery and personal growth! :)


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