Ten of Swords (Reversed) | Tarot Card of the Day

"Embracing renewal and rising from adversity."


Ten of Swords (Reversed) | Tarot Card

If the Ten of Swords appears reversed, the sunlight now appears at the top of the card.

The clouds are parting, and light is returning once again. This card reminds you that the light will always return, no matter how many dark days you’ve experienced. There is a quality of resignation to this card. When it appears, life will no longer feel like a breathless sprint to avoid difficult inevitabilities. The storm has happened, and now it is time to assess where to go from here. Pick yourself up, dust yourself off and stand tall once again. The Ten of Swords reversed symbolizes that you have accepted reality, instead of rationalizing it away.

YouTube video for the Ten of Swords (Reversed) | Tarot Card of the Day by Elliot Oracle

What fears are you constantly trying to keep ahead of?

Is your day filled with thoughts of terrible things that might happen? Do you try to just “keep busy” so you don’t have to face the source of your unease?

Challenges in life do not present themselves to destroy you, but rather to motivate you to grow beyond your current limitations. Look on challenges from a different perspective, with the wise eyes of Spirit. You will always see the way out of the maze when viewing it from high above.

When the Ten of Swords reversed appears, you’re learning that the source of your anxiety is merely a puzzle to solve. 

Stop avoiding your growth by keeping busy. The Ten of Swords (upright or reversed) asks you to accept truth, so that you can finally be released from feeling metaphorically chased. The light on this card symbolizes that sunlight is the best disinfectant. Raise your shadows into the light and they will no longer haunt you.

Ten of Swords (Reversed) in a Love Reading

New Relationship

The person you are asking about has been through a lot. Although there are signs of improvement, they are not out of the woods yet. Your intuition may warn you if they are promising to deliver more than they can truly give. You must be honest with yourself about their current limitations.

Long Term Partnership

There is a far deeper rite of passage happening for you and your partner, even though past experiences brought much pain. It wasn’t all for nothing. Sunlight is starting to peek through the dark clouds. The Ten of Swords reversed can also signify healing after a devastating loss.

Seeking Romance

The sunlight is finally returning after what seemed an eternity of dark days. You have broken a destructive cycle and are putting yourself first again. Retain the lessons the past has taught you. Be brave and open your heart to new beginnings.

Looking to learn more? Discover the Ten of Swords (Upright) meaning.


The Hierophant (Reversed) | Tarot Card of the Day


Weekly Oracle Reveal 🔮✨| Tarot Reading for Oct 5 to Oct 11 | Elliot Oracle 🐧 🐅 🦆