Six of Swords in Love | Daily Tarot Card Meanings for Relationships

“Navigating transitions in love”

The Six of Swords signals movement. The movement could be literal, such as moving in with a partner, changing residence, or traveling. Or the movement could be symbolic, such as moving beyond an old attachment that no longer serves you. In a love reading, the Six of Swords usually signifies benevolent change. Although you may be leaving behind the familiar, your progress will likely feel gradual and natural. It may seem as if there is a steady current, smoothly propelling you toward your next appropriate course. The Six of Swords can also appear when your instincts are telling you that it’s time to leave behind an emotionally turbulent situation. However, when this card appears, you will likely feel ready to progress. Sometimes, the Six of Swords can signal long-distance relationships or meeting someone new from a far-off place. Whatever its context, the Six of Swords encourages you to “go with the flow.” Surrender to the natural current sweeping through your life, and you will arrive at a safe harbor.

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The Six of Swords (Upright) in a Love Reading

New Relationship (Upright)

The Six of Swords signifies progress. The advice of this card is to not “rock the boat.” If it feels like your relationship is progressing on the right track, let it be. For now, just enjoy the ride. Sometimes this card can also signify a long-distance relationship, or a new love interest who travels often. It's essential to be patient and allow the relationship to unfold at its own pace, appreciating the journey as much as the destination.

Long Term Partnership (Upright)

The Six of Swords can indicate that your relationship is moving out of a turbulent period. Both partners are about to enjoy a calmer time. This card can also signify a change of residence or researching potential homes to move into. Finally, the Six of Swords can indicate that it’s time for a vacation. Any place by the water will do… This phase can serve as a refreshing break, offering a chance to reconnect and strengthen your bond in serene surroundings.

Seeking Romance (Upright)

If you are single, it’s time to change where you’ve been looking for love. New places and opportunities are opening to you now. This card will alert you when it’s time to seek out a new scene. Once you embark toward your new destination, you’ll wonder how you could have stayed stuck for so long. Let go and move on. Embracing this change can lead to exciting new encounters and potential love interests.

The Six of Swords (Reversed) in a Love Reading:

New Relationship (Reversed)

The Six of Swords reversed warns you not to settle for “any port in the storm.” You may have to move past a person who clearly isn’t meeting your standards. This card can also indicate a new love interest who seems a bit stuck. Making a choice, any choice, is preferable to sitting, hoping, and waiting for this person to take the initiative. Know your worth, and never settle for less than you deserve in love.

Long Term Partnership (Reversed)

This card can signify feeling stagnant in your relationship. An important issue needs to be resolved before you can move forward. Upright or reversed, the Six of Swords is a benevolent change card. Sometimes this card appears when one partner is making improvements while the other feels stuck. Try to motivate them through shared interests and activities. A gentle push can sometimes be just what’s needed for much-needed growth and change.

Seeking Romance (Reversed)

If you are single, the Six of Swords reversed can symbolize that you’ve been feeling stagnant. It’s time to shake things up and transform the energy. Romance will not be found by repeating the same cycles or revisiting the same places. Open yourself to new experiences, locations, and activities. Plan a trip, or simply get out and about. It’s time to get the energy moving again. Embarking on a new adventure can awaken your spirit, inviting fresh and vibrant energy into your love life.

Looking to learn more? Discover the Six of Swords (Upright) and Six of Swords (Reversed) in a general tarot reading.

Visit Elliot Oracle for your daily dose of tarot wisdom. Feel free to browse my other posts for more insights into tarot meanings, or book a one-one-one tarot reading. Until next time, let the magic of the tarot guide you on your journey of self-discovery and personal growth! :)


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Four of Cups in Love | Daily Tarot Card Meanings for Relationships