Four of Wands in Love | Daily Tarot Card Meanings for Relationships

“Celebrating the fun and joy in love!"

The Four of Wands brings an air of celebration, sociability, and joyous occasions to any love reading. This card is about the lighter, more playful side of love, emphasizing the need for shared laughter, fun, and joy! The Four of Wands encourages you to enjoy life — to find joy in connecting with others — and the enjoyment of life's simple pleasures

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Four of Wands (Upright) in a Love Reading

New Relationship

The Four of Wands can signify the courtship phase of a relationship. If you are just beginning to see someone don’t skip over this part! Let go of expectations and plans for the future. Be pursued. Enjoy the flirtation and fun. Dance, laugh, kiss, eat great food, and most importantly enjoy the moment! Save the seriousness, gravity, and heavy expectations for a later day.

Embracing the present moment can make the courtship phase even more delightful. Enjoy the process of getting to know each other. The Four of Wands urges you to embrace this lighthearted phase, to truly relish the joy of new love and the thrill of discovering each other.

Long Term Partnership

You both maintain a great deal of light-hearted fun in your relationship. The Four of Wands could signify an upcoming celebration or social event. Make sure that you are marking your important rites of passage. As a couple, you may also want to give yourselves over to pleasurable pursuits or socializing. This card is also associated with hosting or attending parties.

Remember, a strong relationship doesn't just involve overcoming challenges together, it also involves celebrating achievements and sharing joy. The Four of Wands might be hinting that you should plan something fun together. A shared experience of joy can further strengthen your bond and create lasting memories.

Seeking Romance

If you are single, the Four of Wands encourages you to socialize. If you are invited to a wedding, event, or party…go! When you are out socially, abandon your self-consciousness. Seek out company that allows you to feel safe being yourself. Go where you can laugh, smile, flirt, and play.

Socializing doesn't always mean looking for a potential partner. Sometimes, it's just about meeting new people and having a good time. The Four of Wands is a reminder to let your hair down, enjoy yourself, and show the world your authentic self. You never know who might be attracted to your genuine joy and enthusiasm.

Four of Wands (Reversed) in a Love Reading

New Relationship

This card can signify a fair-weather friendship or relationship. When times are good, all goes well. There is laughter, joy, and fun. However, when a challenge arises, one partner lacks the maturity to face the challenge. This can lead to confusion since the connection feels so vibrant when all is going well. This card can also represent a person who struggles with escapism.

When the Four of Wands appears reversed in a new relationship, it might be time to evaluate the dynamics. If the relationship seems to falter at the slightest hint of trouble, it may be an indicator of a lack of maturity or commitment. Open and honest communication about these issues can help identify whether this relationship has potential for longevity.

Long Term Partnership

The Four of Wands reversed can indicate a major difference of maturity levels between two people. One partner may act irresponsibly while the other remains the adult in the room. This card can also signify a toxic social environment that is negatively impacting one or both partners.

In a long-term partnership, the reversed Four of Wands might suggest a need for balance in responsibilities and maturity. If you find yourself always playing the adult, it may be time to have a serious talk about expectations and roles within the relationship. Additionally, be mindful of the influence your social environment has on your relationship.

Seeking Romance

The Four of Wands reversed can warn you of the current company you are keeping. Do the people you socialize with make you feel drained, depleted, or depressed after your encounters? It’s time to gravitate toward an environment that feels more supportive. Letting go of toxic people is never a mistake.

While the reversed Four of Wands suggests caution in the company you keep, it's also a reminder that self-love and self-respect are crucial when seeking romance. Surrounding yourself with positive influences can help attract the right kind of romantic energy into your life.

Looking to learn more? Discover the Four of Wands (Reversed) and Four of Wands (Upright) in a general tarot reading.

Visit Elliot Oracle for your daily dose of tarot wisdom. Feel free to browse my other posts for more insights into tarot meanings, or book a one-one-one tarot reading. Until next time, let the magic of the tarot guide you on your journey of self-discovery and personal growth! :)


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