Three of Pentacles (Upright) | Tarot Card of the Day

“The learning process.”

Three of Pentacles (Upright) | Tarot Card of the Day

Three of Pentacles (Upright) | Tarot Card

The Three of Pentacles depicts a young man learning a trade at a monastery.

This card symbolizes the refinement of skills or talents. The Three of Pentacles exemplifies work that is worthwhile and meaningful. In order to excel at it, you must be patient with the learning process. This means being open to making mistakes and not giving up when setbacks happen.

Although the Three of Pentacles symbolizes “perfecting” a skill, it does not require us to be perfect. Quite the opposite, this card asks you to look at the big picture. Look at how far you’ve already come with what you are learning. Look at what you can still achieve! Improvement can only happen if you remain teachable. No matter how good you are at your talent or skillset, you can always get better.

What skills are you currently learning?

Are you expecting yourself to be perfect? Do you constantly compare your skills to that of others and feel that your abilities aren’t good enough?

In the learning process, mistakes will be your best teachers. Mastering anything is all about trial and error. You will make mistakes. The more mistakes you make, the better you will get. You may occasionally feel like you look stupid, but don’t give up. If you keep refining your skills, you will achieve your goal.

The learning process is rarely a straight “B-line” toward a goal. It is a winding path, of hills and valleys. Sometimes the path loops around and makes us feel as if we are going backwards and learning nothing at all. This is an illusion. Like a spiral, the path winds around and back, and yet always upward. Sometimes success isn’t achieved right away. It’s as if the Universe wants us to learn something important about where we are right now, instead of rushing on to the next thing. Are you impatient to get this phase of your life over with? Slow down! You are probably missing something important. Other cards may reveal what that something is. Sometimes, the thing we are learning isn’t academic, but an important life-lesson. The Three of Pentacles always highlights an area for self-improvement and refinement.

Be patient with the learning process.

The Three of Pentacles can also foretell beginning an area of study, or the acquisition of important knowledge which will have long-term implications for your future. Recall the passion you once felt for the skills you are honing.

The Three of Pentacles can also represent the manifestation of plans. On the image, one of the Monks is handing the workman a set of plans for the architecture he is chiseling. If you look closely at the plans, they reveal the exact scene the workman is creating. This card can symbolize planning, perfecting and enacting ideas that are destined for realization. Aside from themes of learning and teaching, the Three of Pentacles represents collaborative efforts that will prove successful if you cooperate with others.

Three of Pentacles in a Love reading:

New Relationship

The Three of Pentacles symbolizes a connection between two people who are still engaged in a learning process. In the beginning of a relationship, this card will advise you to be patient and gather more data before completely diving in. This card can also highlight a relationship at school or an attraction to someone in a teaching profession.

Long Term Partnership

Your connection with your partner has taught you some of the most important lessons you are on this planet to learn. This card may also advise you to engage in mentally stimulating pursuits that interest you both. Support your partner’s long-term goals if they are considering an education or training process that will positively impact their career.

Seeking Romance

If you are single, this card can signify that you must invest in yourself at this time. This process will not last forever, so take heart. You may feel the desire to get lost in another, but you cannot skip over your own self-development. This card could also be telling you that romance is more likely to occur after completing your education or manifesting a major goal.

Looking to learn more? Discover the Three of Pentacles (Reversed) meaning.


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