The Hierophant (Upright) | Tarot Card of the Day

“Embrace your Spiritual Instinct and Explore the Sacred.”

The Hierophant (Upright) | Tarot Card

The Hierophant (Upright) | Tarot Card

The Hierophant card symbolizes reaching out to the divine.

Every culture in human history has a different conception of a Spiritual "Awareness" that feels divine. Some names for this Awareness are: God, The Universe, The Gods, Higher Power, Great Spirit, the Goddess, Angels, the Higher Self, the Great Mystery, it’s different depending on who you talk to. Nobody’s “wrong” or “right,” because no one has the complete scope of this "infinite thing." Each of us are parts of a collective, describing the same "Divine" thing we are seeing, from different vantage points. Each perception of the Divine is unique.

What is sacred to one, might hold no meaning for another. However, the part of our psyche that authentically prays is universal. Similar to "Love," it transcends religion, cultural identity, or limitations. Spirituality is very personal and differs with each individual. Some people are atheist, yet many of them concede that humans evolved with a biological component in the brain that developed into an "instinct" toward spiritual belief. Whatever your personal beliefs, the Hierophant symbolizes one important thing: Humans have a very natural instinct (and I would argue need) to connect with the Divine.

The Hierophant stands as a bridge between the mundane and the divine. He is a guardian of sacred rites, rituals, and traditions, ensuring that they are passed down through generations. As a figurehead of spiritual wisdom, he beckons us to explore the sacred realm and embark on a journey of self-discovery. The Hierophant encourages us to trust the wisdom of our ancestors and respect the traditions they established, but he also calls for inner reflection to recognize our unique connection to the divine. As we navigate the complexities of the modern world, it becomes increasingly important to honor our spiritual roots and draw strength from our ancestral wisdom. The Hierophant teaches us that by seeking understanding and aligning with the divine, we can achieve spiritual fulfillment and lead a life guided by purpose and meaning.

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Do you feel like you are all alone, carrying a crushing burden?

Does religious baggage prevent you connecting with the Divine? Are you skeptical that a God/Awareness/Spirit even exists?

If you chose the Hierophant card today, the Divine wants you to know It is listening. You are being seen and heard right at this moment. Do your instincts feel this compassion? Have you ever felt this Awareness around you before? It can feel you. It surrounds you and connects you to others. It knows your whole history, and the the history of the planets, stars and worlds. It is both within you and outside of you. It weaves through everything you see and don’t see. The stars are made of it and infused with its light. You and the stars are made of the same stuff. You are "It," and "It" is you. Most importantly "It" is  listening. It is ever near, patiently waiting for you to ask for what you need. This Universal force is love.

You are one unique part of this Universe of Light, able to reflect on itself.

Think about it, your atoms are made from same elements as the stars, and yet you can reflect, think, be conscious and aware. Talk about amazing! You are an individual, and yet you are plugged into something far greater. It doesn’t matter what you “believe” it is or “name” it. It is still around you whether you want to acknowledge its presence, believe it, name it, or not.

The keys on the card represent the need to unlock the pathway to the sacred place within. Reaching out to the sacred can aid you in releasing, letting go, asking for help, unburdening yourself. Find a private moment. Unload your fears, tears, and assumptions of hopelessness to the Divine. When your prayers are true, they are heard. We may not get what we expect or want, but we get what's meant to be. What feels so heavy, so unsolvable, so hopeless? You’re being heard, right now, ask for what you need. Surrender it and watch it resolve.

Looking to learn more? Click on the card names below:

  1. Discover the The Hierophant (Reversed) meaning.

  2. Learn what the The Hierophant means in matters of love, as part of my ‘Tarot in Love’ series.


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